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This is our public security policy, which is a subset of our security practices.

This document exists both for education of our employees as well as for reference by our customers. Pull requests are welcome.

Authorship and change history for this policy are visible in the git history of this document.

Management reviews this document annually. Last Reviewed: May 2024.

Changes or exceptions to these policies should be reviewed by the CEO.

About Shorebird

Shorebird is a software application. Most of our code is open source and publicly reviewable on GitHub. We use Google Cloud for the bulk of our infrastructure.

Shorebird only offers a hosted service at this time. We do not currently offer on-prem or cloud-prem.


Shorebird is a small company. We were fewer than 5 people as of May 2024.

Eric (CEO) is end-responsible for all things Shorebird, including informational security. We do not have a dedicated security team, but security is part of our engineering culture and we have built a team with experience in security.

Bug Bounty

We do not currently offer a bug bounty program. We welcome reports of security vulnerabilities. is the best way to reach us. We will respond to reports in a timely manner.


Throughout this document we will refer to the following terms:

  • Customer / you: A user of Shorebird.
  • End User: A user of a Customer’s application.

Personnel Security

All employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. Employees receive security training as part of their onboarding process, including reading this document.

All employees are subject to background checks pursuant to local laws.

Shorebird does not use contractors at this time. If we do in the future, they will be covered by the same security policies as employees and sign the same confidentiality agreement.


Shorebird is hosted on Google Cloud. We use Google Cloud’s security features to secure our infrastructure. We have a dedicated VPC for our infrastructure.

Currently Shorebird only uses Google Cloud’s Iowa region. We have plans to expand to other regions in the future for our international customers.

Shorebird uses Google Cloud’s managed services where possible. We do not manage custom versions of software or operating systems, but instead rely on Google Cloud to manage and update these services on a daily basis. For example, our application end points use Google Cloud Run which is a managed service that lives no longer than an hour, allowing Google to manage the underlying infrastructure including patching continuously. Other parts of our infrastructure are similar.

Shorebird uses Google Cloud’s managed services for backups. This data (as well as all data in Google Cloud) is encrypted at rest.

Network Access

Shorebird is a web application. We use HTTPS for all communication between our application and our customers. We use Google Cloud’s managed SSL certificates for this.

Use of Shorebird requires access to the following web addresses:


Only the https port should be needed for access to Shorebird.

See also


Shorebird Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are available at and respectively which cover our obligations to you as our customer.

Customer Data (data about you as a user of Shorebird)

In general we do not access customer data unless required as part of providing you support or monitoring the service for usage and security.

We treat customer data as confidential. We have logging in place to detect unauthorized access to customer data. Customer data may be accessed by employees as part of providing support to you.

We do not share customer data with third parties except as required by law. We have a few third party services that we use to run our business, see our privacy policy for our list of vendors:

We try to store very little data for or about our customers. Examples of customer data we store include:

  • Email address and Name
  • Stripe Customer ID (we do not store payment information)
  • Built applications archives (e.g. .xcarchive, .aab for Releases and Patches)
  • Release Metadata (e.g. flutter version, xcode version, java version, etc.)

Shorebird servers never see or store your source code. All shorebird commands run locally on devices you control and only upload the built application archives (same binaries you distribute to stores and your users) to our servers for your later use or distribution.

Google Cloud encrypts all data at rest by default.

End User Data (data about Shorebird’s customers’ end users)

Shorebird does not process, transmit or store personally identifiable information for our customers’ end users. We do not have access to end user data. Customer security forms often ask for information about how we handle end user data. We do not handle end user data.

Some regions consider IP addresses to be personally identifiable information, Google Cloud does record IP addresses in logs. We do not access these IP addresses in logs for any purpose other than security and monitoring.

Shorebird’s product allows you, and only you, to update the code of your application on end user devices. We do not collect or wish to collect any information from these users or devices.

Product Access Control

Shorebird accounts are managed through Google or Microsoft OAuth. We do not store passwords for our users.

Shorebird accounts provided role-based access control on a per-application basis. We have three roles: Owner, Admin, and Developer which are described in

Internal Access Control


All passwords are stored in a password manager. We use 1Password. We do not store passwords in code, in emails, or in any other insecure location. Passwords should never be passed to a command line program as an argument, as they will then be stored in the shell history file.

We do not recommend ever typing a password. Instead, we recommend using a password manager to generate and store passwords. This ensures that passwords will never be input into a place they were not intended to be.

Access to our SSO provider (Google) has required strong passwords (Google’s guidelines) and two factor authentication (2FA).

Production Access

We use Google Cloud IAM for access control and Google Cloud Logging for logging.

A small number of engineers have access to production systems, for which we have a dedicated machine for access. Production changes are all done via CI/CD pipelines, as detailed in the Change Management section.

We have an additional (read-only) admin layer to a subset of our production systems for monitoring and support purposes.

Personal Devices

We do not permit access to Shorebird production systems from personal devices.

We do not permit access to customer data from personal devices.

The vast majority of Shorebird’s code and operations are handled in the open, either via public code on GitHub, or public discussions on Discord, so while we do not permit access to internal systems from personal devices, employees generally do not need access to internal systems to do their work.

All employees are provided with company devices for work.

Physical Access

Shorebird is an all-remote company. We have no physical office or visitor policies. We do not have physical servers.

Employees are obligated to maintain physical security of their devices and the confidentiality of any customer data they may access as part of supporting a customer.

Employees are issued devices by the company and are required to use full disk encryption on their devices.

Employee Offboarding

When an employee leaves the company, their access to all systems is revoked immediately. We have a checklist for offboarding employees that includes revoking access to all systems. Since all access to all production systems is gated on Google SSO, this is a simple process.

Access to our systems is reviewed regularly. So far our company is small enough and we use SSO for all access, so this is a trivial process.


We use a number of third party services to run our business. We list those which may come in contact with customer data as part of our privacy policy:

Third Party Service Accounts

Accounts are bucketed into having handling customer data (e.g. Google Cloud) or not (e.g. Canva).

  • All accounts and services we use are logged in our Accounts sheet.
  • All accounts should authenticate through Google OAuth (SSO). Exceptions must be approved by the CEO.
  • Accounts that can never reach customer data (e.g. Twitter), may alternatively use a strong password stored in 1Password and two factor authentication if SSO is not available.
  • Additions to the Accounts sheet are reviewed by the CEO.

Change Management

Code Reviews

All code should be reviewed by at least one other engineer before being merged. We have branch policies in place on all of our repositories to ensure such. This is done in service of security, but also in service of code quality. We believe that code reviews are the best way to ensure that code is secure, maintainable, and understandable.


We keep all of our dependencies up to date. All of our repositories are expected to use Dependabot to automatically open pull requests for updates to our dependencies.

All of our production code has 100% test coverage. We have automated tests in place to ensure that changes do not break our application. Debugging or non-production code is not required to have 100% test coverage.

See our engineering policies in our engineering handbook.


All changes to production are deployed through a CI/CD pipeline. We use GitHub Actions for this. We have a staging environment that is used for testing changes before they are deployed to production.

Our CI/CD pipeline runs tests, linters, and other checks before deploying to production. Our CI/CD pipeline is configured with unique service accounts that have the minimum permissions necessary to deploy to production.


We have the ability to rollback changes to production. Typically we execute a rollback via a revert commit in our codebase and a new deployment, however we also have the ability to rollback individual services in our infrastructure to previous versions if necessary.

Network Security

Both our application and our infrastructure are hosted on Google Cloud. We use Google Cloud’s network security features to secure our infrastructure, including restricting all public access to our infrastructure outside of our application endpoint.

We have dedicated machines for access directly to our production environment, access to such is restricted to a small number of engineers and is logged.

Incident Response

We have a private playbook for incident response. We have logging and alerting in place to detect and respond to incidents. We have both dedicated private channels on Discord for response as well as back-up text communication pathways as well as phone numbers for all engineers.

Post Mortems

We have a post mortem process in place for incidents. We review incidents within 48 hours of their occurrence and write a post mortem document that is shared with the team. We use these post mortems to improve our systems and processes. We do not currently share our post mortems publicly, although we are considering doing so in the future.

Data Privacy

See our privacy policy:

The information we collect from you is used to provide the service for you. We do not sell or share your information with third parties, except as required by law. Your data is stored in association with your account and deleted when you delete your account.

Shorebird does not process, transmit or store personally identifiable information for our customers’ end users. Additionally, we take care to store as little data from our customers (you) as possible.

Data Retention

We retain customer data for as long as you have an account with us. Customers are able to access and delete their data at any time. We retain aggregated, anonymized data for analytics purposes beyond termination of your account.

Customers can delete almost all information in their account by hand, however deleting the final database row requires contacting support at this time:

See our privacy policy for more information:

Acceptable Use

Use of Shorebird is governed by our Terms of Service. We have logging and alerting in place to ensure that our service is not used for malicious purposes or such that would disrupt the service for other users.

Architecture Diagrams

We’ve written more on the architecture of Shorebird in our architecture documentation.